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๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ Heels, Rhymes, and Nursery Crimes

Part of the Heels, Rhymes and Nursery Crimes
Volume #6
We All Fall Down
By: Liberty Parker
Sable is following her fatherโ€™s lead
To be the most feared assassin and make others bleed
But Daddy Reedus knocks her down, causing harm and making him frown
Now itโ€™s up to Kieran to mend her heart, despite their rather bumpy start
The day Kieran rescues Sable from the viciousness of her father, he falls into
a lifestyle different than what heโ€™s used to since sheโ€™s become sought after as
a mercenary for hire. Sheโ€™s never needed a man to save her; however, his touch sets off something she needs and he becomes her everything.
Living on the lam isnโ€™t easy, especially with her father and his cronies trying to
crush her.
Welcome to Nursery Crimes, where tales are twisted and happily ever afters are not always guaranteed.

Be sure to also check out the rest of the books from the other authors in the Heels, Rhymes, & Nursery Crimes.


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